Best Hotel Supplier in Pickering 

What is the Competition for Hotel Facilities in Pickering?

Pickering is situated in the south of Ontario province in Canada, with a population of about 90 000. On Google Maps, 55 hotels are shown to be in Pickering with majority of them costing around $90 per night.

Are you looking for a quick, reliable and high-quality hotel supplier in Pickering? Are you looking for top quality products that will have your guests wanting to come back? Look no further! HYC Design is a reliable #1 Rated Hotel Supply Chain in Canada, and we provide an extensive selection of hospitality supplies that improve customer satisfaction and leave a positive long lasting impression.

Contact Us

Here are numerous ways to contact us here at HYC Design. Don't hesitate to contact us with any comments, concerns, and common questions, our Customer Service Specialist will be happy to help.

Send an email to to place an order and send an email to for any comment or inquiries you may have. Our hours of operations are open from Monday through Friday, between 9:00 am to 5:00 pm EST. Call our unit Toll-Free at 1-(844)-604-6118 or our Tel:(416)-661-0606.

HYC Design Products 

BWS Series - Hand Towel
BWS Series - Hand Towel
BWS Series - Hand Towel ( different view)

BWS Series - Hand Towel

$ 3.99
Three Striped - Hand Towel (16x27
Three Striped - Hand Towel (16x27
Three Striped - Hand Towel (16x27
Three Striped - Hand Towel - Different view
uxurious 4-Stripe Hand Towel (16x27
Luxurious 4-Stripe Hand Towel (16x27

Four Striped - Hand Towel (16x27", 4lbs/dz)

$ 5.99
BWG Series - Hand Towel
BWG Series - Hand Towel
BWG Series - Hand Towel. Crafted from the finest cotton fibers.

BWG Series - Hand Towel

$ 4.99